pamela-jaffe-and-betsy-massarMBA Admissions in a Virtual World - SOLD OUT

We’re BACK! It’s the Harvard Club of San Francisco’s MBA Admissions Annual Event.  HCSF is here to help you navigate the process for admissions in the new normal.

We have reached out to the Columbia Club of Northern California, who were our partners last year and offer you a special treat: advice from the B-School Bossypants, Poets & Quants’ video duo. Betsy Massar, HBS grad and founder of Master Admissions, is joining with Pamela Jaffe, CBS grad and founder of Jaffe Advantage, to help you on your MBA strategy.

In this session, we will talk directly to volunteers from the audience about how they can improve their profiles to get into the business, or graduate school of their choice. We’ll talk through your background and experience, and give you specific advice on what you can – and can’t – do to make yourself the best possible candidate.

We’ll talk about school choices, career progression, GMAT/GRE, leadership, extra-curriculars, and virtual networking. In the past, students who have attended this event have been admitted to HBS, Stanford, Wharton, CBS, Berkeley Haas, MIT Sloan, Chicago Booth, Kellogg, Tuck, and more!

Here’s the best part – admission, at least to this event, is free.

Tuesday June 16, 2020
5:30PM – 7:30 PM Pacific Time


Organized by
Betsy Massar, VP HCSF



5:30PM - 7:30PM Tue 16 Jun 2020, Pacific timezone

Virtual Event Instructions:

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