imageHarvard College Admissions “Coffee Chat”

The Harvard Club of San Francisco invites you to join fellow Bay Area alums for a virtual “coffee chat” with Maeve Hoffstot, Harvard College Senior Admissions Officer and Director of the Admissions Alumni/ae Network.

Maeve also serves as a Proctor at Wigglesworth. Our discussion will cover updates and admission application considerations for the Class of 2025 as well as provide an opportunity to ask questions about Harvard College admissions or life at the College. Your host will be Mike Alderete, HAA College Director and HCSF Board Member. Limited slots will be available. Please register early, put on your best Zoom attire, turn on your video, and join us.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

HCSF Members only


HCSF Zoom Webinar (dial-in information will be sent on Tuesday, September 29 at noon to those who RSVP)
Please make sure you are all set to use Zoom before you join the conference (log-in the day before to try it out). The event will start on time. Click here to "GET STARTED" on ZOOM.

Event Organizer
Michael Alderete


5:30PM - 6:30PM Tue 29 Sep 2020, Pacific timezone

Virtual Event Instructions:

HCSF Zoom Webinar (dial-in information will be sent on Monday, September 28 at noon to those who RSVP)