Exploring Africa Today
Cameroon is split by an intense conflict between the Anglophone and Francophone parts of the country. Arkady Silverman has followed the conflict and will provide background and up-to-date information, as the basis for a broader discussion of the colonial heritage in Africa.
The Africa Group discussions will encompass the entire continent and its 54 countries. Presentations and conversations will include its history, economics, politics, security, health, culture and current events. Members of the group need not have deep knowledge or experience, only a significant curiosity.
Monday, March 22, 2021
5:30pm - 7:00pm PT
HCSF Members: Free
Non-members: $10
Click here to register
Event Registration (Harvard Alumni):
Please sign in with your HarvardKey otherwise a duplicate record will be created and you will not be able to log-in.
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Zoom link is provided in the event registration confirmation email and at the link below.
Chuck Frankel, AB ’54
Chuck Frankel is the organizer. A graduate of Harvard College (AB’54) and Business School (MBA’56), Chuck served as Botswana Country Director for the Peace Corps and, subsequently, was appointed to represent Botswana on the West Coast as Honorary Consul, a post he still holds. He is a member of the Executive Committee of Global HOPE, a program whose objective is to significantly reduce the incidence of children’s death from cancer throughout Africa. He also serves on the Board of the Goldman School of Public Policy, UC, Berkeley. He has served on numerous Boards, including the World Affairs Council (over 50 years), Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, International Development Conference, San Francisco-Abidjan Sister City Committee, etc. His career was as an entrepreneur and administrator in all 3 sectors. cfrankel2747@gmail.com
Technical questions about signups or Zoom access should be directed to Kirsten Pickford, HCSF Executive Director, at kirsten@harvardclubsf.org.