HCSF Reading Group
Join the Harvard Club of San Francisco Reading Group to discuss “Magister Ludi (The Glass Bead Game)” by Herman Hesse at 4:30 pm PT on March 13, 2022. Space for this event is limited.
Hesse’s last and arguably most-acclaimed novel is set in a fictional country in Central Europe in the 25th Century. The state of Castalia is the home of an austere order of intellectuals who run a boys boarding school, but mostly make it their life’s work to extend their knowledge of and prowess in the Glass Bead Game, a mysterious game whose rules are never revealed. The novel chronicles the life of Magister Ludí, the man responsible for administering the game. The book was very popular in the US in the 1960s and 1970s among intellectuals and seekers, but carries a message probably more apt today as Western democracies' elites confront forms of unreasoning and amoral nationalism.
Zoom Event
March 13, 2022
4:30pm - 6:00pm PT
HCSF Members: Free, but RSVP required
$10 for Non-Members
Event organizer:
Kirsten Miclau
Click here to register
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Zoom link is provided in the event registration confirmation email and at the link below.
Event organizer:
Kirsten Miclau