Navigate Change And Get Unstuck With Intention

Are you feeling stuck? Perhaps you are facing an unexpected change, or are wanting to make a change, and are at a loss for how to move forward?

Join us for this fireside chat with mindset expert and award-winning advocate, alumnae Parul Somani (HBS '09). We will discuss the life curveballs in health and career that inspired Somani's work and explore the strategies and tools that helped her overcome uncertainty and make some of life's hardest decisions. You will get a sneak peek into the actionable insights and frameworks that Somani shares in her keynote presentations and inspiring workshops, and the book she is currently writing, so you can walk away inspired and empowered to better embrace change and create a more fulfilling life.
Thursday, March 7
5:30-7pm virtual fireside chat

Free for HCSF members
$20 non-members

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Parul Somani is an acclaimed mindset expert and powerful keynote speaker and advocate empowering people to embrace change with intention. Trusted by Fortune 100 companies and other organizations around the world, Parul has inspired leaders at Oracle, Neiman Marcus Group, Bristol Myers Squibb, and more to thrive in life and leadership. She is reputed for her authentic storytelling, actionable insights, thought-provoking questions, and proprietary frameworks for navigating uncertainty, making hard decisions, and getting unstuck. Parul is also an award-winning patient advocate who has spoken at the White House for President Biden's Cancer Moonshot, and for the World Economic Forum, MIT's Koch Institute, and Stanford Cancer Institute on topics spanning cancer care, actionable genomics, and mental wellbeing. Parul wrote her blog "New Job. New Baby. New Cancer." throughout her cancer treatment, and it now has readers in ~85 countries. The American Cancer Society recognized Parul by naming her their 2020 "Raising Hope Honoree" and inviting her to serve on the National Breast Cancer Roundtable. Parul has been featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, and Stanford Health Care and Medscape films on survivorship and mindset.

Previously, Parul advised Fortune 500 companies and private equity firms as a Senior Manager at Bain & Company, and held leadership roles in consumer technology and genomics start-ups. She currently serves on the Leadership Council for Tipping Point and the Global Mentorship Board for One League. Parul holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a minor in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Parul resides in the Bay Area with her husband and two daughters, and carries a lifelong love for Indian dancing, which she performed for over thirty-five years. You can learn more about Parul at and follow her on LinkedIn and Instagram.