Join the HCSF Reading Group to discuss Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie

In-Person Meeting

Dolores Heights, San Francisco
Location with be sent to registrants two days before meeting.
Note: Usual venue not wheelchair accessible.

Event Registration (Harvard Alumni):
HCSF Members: Free, but RSVP required
Non-Members: $10

Click here to register

Midnight's Children
Salman Rushdie 464 pages 1981

Widely considered Rushdie's masterpiece. Won a regular Booker (1981) the Booker of Bookers (1993) and the Best of the Bookers (2008).

Born at midnight on August 15, 1947, at the precise moment of India’s independence, the infant Saleem Sinai is celebrated in the press and welcomed by Prime Minister Nehru himself. But this coincidence of birth has consequences for which Saleem is not prepared: telepathic powers that connect him with 1,000 other ‘midnight’s children’ - all born in the initial hour of India’s independence - and an uncanny sense of smell that allows him to sniff out danger imperceptible to others.

"What makes it so vertiginously exciting a reading experience, is the way it takes in not just the whole apple cart of India and the problem of being a novel about India but also...the business of being a novel at all." (Times Literary Supplement)

Meeting organizer:
Kirsten Miclau

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