Welcome to Your City: San Francisco - HOLD THE DATE!
Welcome Class of 2023! Please join us for a reception on September 21 with some food and beverages graciously provided by the Harvard Club of San Francisco.
This will be a fun, informal way to meet other new graduates who may also be new to our town. At the beginning of the event, we'll also share how you can become involved with the Harvard Club of San Francisco and its Young Alumni group, so please come early if you're interested!
This event is for HCSF members only. As a new grad you are eligible for a one-year-free membership at the Harvard Club of San Francisco. Please register for free membership here!
Event is for recent (2015 - 2022 graduates) and 2023 graduates only. No guests. Attendance is complimentary.
Passed appetizers will be served and the first drink is on us!
Thursday, September 21, 2023
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
The Alchemist
679 3rd St., San Francisco
Event Registration (Harvard Alumni):
Please sign in with your HarvardKey otherwise a duplicate record will be created and you will not be able to log-in.
No HarvardKey? Please retrieve your HarvardKey here. If you need help, email ithelp@harvard.edu or call 617-495-7777
HCSF Guidelines for attending in-person events
If you are showing COVID-19 or Flu symptoms, please stay home. This is critical to the health and safety of our staff and communities.
Find us on Instagram at: hcsf_young_alums |